RGB and CMYK are the two most prominent and typical colour spaces / formats / models.
RGB (Red, Green, Blue) is the typical colour space used by computer monitors, mobile phones and televisions. In RGB, images are created by combining red, green, and blue light. Process of addition can create millions of different colours by using varying concentrations of the primaries.
CMYK is the primary colour model used by colour printers. So for flyers, brochures, advertising, newsletters, direct mail pieces, etc. #IGCSEComputer, OLevelComputer, #Inqilab
RGB (Red, Green, Blue) is the typical colour space used by computer monitors, mobile phones and televisions. In RGB, images are created by combining red, green, and blue light. Process of addition can create millions of different colours by using varying concentrations of the primaries.
CMYK is the primary colour model used by colour printers. So for flyers, brochures, advertising, newsletters, direct mail pieces, etc. #IGCSEComputer, OLevelComputer, #Inqilab